Many standard Programs are being produced yearly to facilitate the business flow such as cnntact manager, scheduling and accounting.
Those programs are meant to satisfy the common aspects of a wide variety of businesses but every business has its unique features and processes that can't be automated or satisfied by the main stream applications.
We, at Trinity Technologies develop custom applications that meets your business criteria either stand alone, web based, data base driven or over the internet applications.
Trinity Technologies also provide Website development and search Engine optimization services (SEO) to enhance your website image and ranking on the search engine results. 
Your DATA is the most valuable item in your Business IT infrastructure, if it got stolen, compromised or lost, your business may experience a dramtic consequences and to avoid that consider the following services:
> Backup Solutions:
> Hardware redundancy:
> Data Access control:
> Data Recovery:
> Spam Filtering:
> Virus, Spyware and Maleware Protection:
> Internet Traffic Monitoring / Controlling: 
Why choose Trinity Technologies as your IT company?
1- Trinity Technologies is located in Mississauga in the centre of the Greater Toronto Area, our system engineers will arrive to your location in a convenient time to perform the required IT support and computer repair.
2- Trinity Technologies has been providing IT Support and IT services to busineeses since 2005.
3- Trinity Technologies has qualified and experienced staff that will get the job done quickly and efficiently.
4- Trinity Technologies Provides on site support, in lab support and remote support.
5- Trinity Technologies offers discounted monthly maintenance packages to help you keep IT Support and Services cost under control.